This project is a homage to the countless lives that the coronavirus has taken from us. Far too often do we forget that behind the sobering statistics there are real people and real stories.
Most of the stories shown in this project are sourced from users, who submit information regarding their passed loved one or acquaintance. When that information is received, our team works to convert it into a short story documenting their life and accomplishments. That story will then be added to a running list of COVID-19 stories. A small number of these stories are written from information contained on the Wikipedia page titled List of deaths due to COVID-19 and the individual profiles linked in the list.
This project was originally created by Reider McFeely. There is no monetization or advertising on this project and there never will be. If you would like to donate to this project to help pay for server maintenance and upkeep, please Venmo me @ReiderMcFeely. Donations are much appreciated but are completely optional. If you do decide to support this project, we ask that you match your donation to us with an equal or greater donation to the World Health Organization COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.